The top 5 most followed person on Instagram and Facebook Pages are people who have a lot of fans and are able to become influencers for people around the world. Some of them on this list will surprise you because it is beyond the expectations of many people. The following is a List of the Top 5 Most Followed Person on Instagram and Facebook Pages Worldwide and The sources of their wealth such as their mansions and their luxury cars from the world most famous car brands (Ferrari car, Ford, Rolls-Royce, Range Rover, Mercedes-Benz etc.). Ranking 2 most followed person on Facebook Pages will really surprise you.
As we already know that Instagram is a social media application for sharing photos and videos that allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters, and share them on various social networking services, including Instagram’s own. While Facebook page or A fan page is a page on Facebook that is used for the purpose of personal branding, promoting a product, service, company, individual and so on. This fan page is widely used for commercial purposes, building its own community and fans. One Facebook account can build multiple Facebook pages. The List of the Top 5 Most Followed Person on Instagram and Facebook Pages Worldwide and The sources of their wealth, not including the value of Health Insurance, Life Insurance and Car Insurance that they have.